Hand painted Polyester sculpture (edition 8)
232 x 156 x 76 cm
Juan Ripollés, born in Castellón, Valencía, Spain in 1932, is a Mediterranean artist with an enormous vitality and joie de vivre. His unique artistic language is characterized by a distinct colorful Mediterranean palette and appeals to positive and universal feelings.

Ripollés en Galerie Post+García
Galerie Post + García represents the Spanish artist Ripollés. We organize exhibitions and show his work at various contemporary art fairs. His paintings and large sculptures can be viewed at our Maastricht based gallery on appointment (please contact info@postgarcia.nl).
In our Kunstuitleen Maastricht, located at Rechtstraat 50, we permanently showcase Ripollés’ material etchings and coloured sculptures. Please visit kunstuitleenmaastricht.nl for an overview of the collection.